Last evening we enjoyed a great time of fellowship with our camp members, special guests, and pastors and their wives at our annual PAB at Ozark Baptist Church. The food was wonderful and as usual, there was plenty of it. Our program of special music by Dr. Frank Jacobs and Cheryl Brown, auxiliary report by Mrs Faile, a touching testimony by fellow Gideon Edsel Bonds, and a banquet message by John Faile led up to the Faith Fund donation as the evening closed. Our camp had set a Faith Fund goal of $3000.00, and our current Faith Fund total stands at $2880.00...just $120.00 from our goal. I encourage you to make your Faith Fund contribution today to our treasurer at PO Box 291 Ozark 36361. I hope to send out another email soon with the news that we reached our goal. We need to also give a special thanks to our camp VP Art Warren, auxiliary president Lynn Price, and all the camp members that were involved over the past few months in getting and keeping the PAB on track.
Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 October, we have a distribution opportunity serving with the Pike County Gideon Camp and their distribution at Troy University. Several of us are meeting at the Quality Inn parking lot at 5:45 AM. We will go from there to Troy University for a breakfast and a meeting before beginning the distribution. This has always been a special opportunity to share God’s word with the young people at the university. I hope to see you at the Quality Inn at 5:45 or the Baptist Center at Troy University at 6:30.
Our next meeting will be November 8 at the Quality Inn...see you there.
Thank you for being a Gideon. Gene