Last evening, at the Quality Inn, we had our monthly Camp Meeting. As advertised it was a great time of food, fellowship, instruction in the Gideon Ministry and prayer. After Howard and Jan retired, following our Christmas Tri-Camp meeting,Chaplain Don Turner; took on the mission of finding another caterer and he found us a good one in Mr. Wayne North. Please come next month if you missed it, and join us in a very good meal.
Our program was about the Gideon International Convention and the many blessings received by attending the convention. In addition to the remarks in the program, several of our members told us of their personal experiences. In every case the experience was worth the trip to the convention. The International Convention is in Orlando this year from July 23 to 28. Our State convention is fast approaching. The convention is in Florence, AL March 8 to 10 with the blitz on the 7th. Please check "the connection" for registration information. Over the past several years Carolyn and I have always been very proud of the number of members from our camp who attend the convention and we always have a great time. If you have never been and need some additional information, please contact another member or me for assistance.
There are a few items that are of great and immediate importance. Every member can positively impact each of these issues. First is the issue of dues. Please ensure that your dues, both Gideon and Auxiliary, are paid up to date. This year the end date for dues is March 31. After that date, your membership will be suspended. Be assured that even if you cannot be as active as you would like, there are still many ways that you can contribute. If paying your membership dues is all you can do, you should know that, that membership touches lives all around the world and leads people to Jesus Christ. $40.00 a year works out to under 11 cents a day. I can't think of a better way to spend that 11 cents. Please don't step back from the Gideon Ministry. It feeds a world of lost and spiritually hungry people who are counting on you.
The February meeting is our Annual Membership Dinner. Gary Walker is working hard on this, but he needs our help to make it a success. Please invite any professional and/or business people, involved in a local Church that you know will make a good Gideon, to the meeting. If you know someone and are not able to make direct contact, give Gary the information and he will handle it. We must all be active in this.
Remember, the 100 day countdown is over around the end of February. Make your donations to our treasurer, and I will offer our Camp donation at the State Convention in March.
I will do my best to keep you all informed, Please contact me if you have any item you feel would be of interest to our members. Thank you for being a Gideon. Gene