Dale County Gideons
P O Box 291
Ozark, AL 36361
This banquet also marks the official conclusion of our Camp Development Plan (CDP) that our camp has been working on over the past year. Thanks to Gail Barkett, the CDP Auxiliary leader, and the determined commitment of our camp members, we have been able to correct membership files, schedule church services, re-book scripture distributions, and gain 13 new members. Our collective work now is for each of us to remain committed to keeping our camp moving forward and being active in the service of our Risen Savior. We will do this by paying our dues, attending Saturday prayer and monthly camp meetings, and being as active as we can in the various parts of our camp. Our next camp meeting is November 13. I look forward to seeing all of our Gideon members at our prayer time each Saturday morning at 7 a.m. held at the Faith Factory of the Ozark Bapist Church, and seeing all our members at our next camp meeting. God bless you for your Christian service, and thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.