Greetings Team,
Let me again thank you for your commitment to making our 42nd Annual PAB a great success. We had good attendance; 41 of the 44 Gideons and Auxiliary committing to attend came (93%), 40 of the 56 Pastors and Guests committing to attend came (71%) for a total attendance of 81 of the 100 committing. The overall % of attendance = 81.
There was a wonderful spirit felt throughout the Banquet of which the group singing had a great influence in. Our speakers challenged, inspired, educated and emphasized to the pastors how important they are to the Gideon ministry. I felt each Gideon and Auxiliary was inspired and uplifted through this event. Angie Childers blessed all of us with her playing and singing.
Camp members were generous in their support and all our expenses were met. Their generosity went even further as the Camp Faith Fund goal of $2800.00 was exceeded with an offering total of $4019.00.
Thank you Auxiliary for a beautifully decorated banquet room and for the info gleaned at the sign-in tables allowing accuracy in the attendance totals.
God blessed your efforts and I feel He was lifted up and glorified through this event. May He continue to richly bless you as you serve Him through the Gideon Ministry.
Serving Him with you, Don McCall, Dale Co camp VP