Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reason for the Season

Never forget the reason for the season. 
Happy birthday to Jesus and thank you for coming to save us and promise eternal life.

Monday, December 17, 2012

a moment of silence

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to all who are suffering.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas in Ozark

We had a God Filled evening last night at our Tri Camp Christmas Gathering.  If you were there, I know you were blessed several times over...if you were unable to attend, be assured that we missed you and look forward to seeing you soon.  Our speakers, Margie McCall and David Miller were both inspirational.  Their talks not only helped each of us to stay focused on our special Gideon and Auxiliary mission, they led to a very giving Faith Fund donation.  Our Faith Fund goal for the evening was $1000.00...we currently have an unofficial count of over $1625.00.  If that wasn't enough of a blessing, Howard and Jan, our caterers from Country Foods, gave us a special price for our meal.  This was the last catered event that we will enjoy from Howard and Jan before they retire at the end of this month.  The special price was so good that each camp present at the Tri Camp meeting should receive additional funds to go into their respective Faith Fund ministries.  Our special music was truly special and touched every giving heart at the meeting.  If you have a special event that needs some great, Christian entertainment, please contact them through Margie.  Again, I send a heartfelt thank you on behalf of all those lives that will be forever changed because someone prayed, someone gave, someone went, and someone placed a bible in a needful are that someone. Merry Christmas and a God-Filled New Year.  Check out the slideshow at the right to see some scenes from the dinner on December 13, 2012.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Prayer List

Please check the prayer list page each day to add these individuals to your prayers.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Next Meeting, Nov. 8, 2012

This Month’s Camp Meeting will be this ThursdayNovember 8th, at 6:30 PM, at the Quality Inn in Ozark.

To All Our Camp Members,

     Many of us have heard about, or possibly even experienced, examples of God’s perfect timing as He’s worked to touch hearts and lives through the Gideon ministry.  Often Gideon testimonies are how God can bring about the world-wide growth of his kingdom as He puts the right people in the right place…at exactly the right moment.  During our training session, Around the Clock, Around the World, you will hear heart-touching reports from members and moving testimonies from people who turned to Christ through a Gideon-placed scripture.  Many lives were radically changed as a result of God’s perfect timing.
     $3080.00.  That’s the total of our Faith Fund offering for our past Pastor Appreciation Banquet.  As you remember, our goal was $3000.00…a goal that some of us thought was more than the abilities of our camp.  God continues to bless our camp and the distribution efforts of our Gideon ministry.  Lives will be touched and changed and souls will be won to an eternal life with Christ because of what you do as a member of this camp. 
     We have several other challenges currently facing us, and I am asking everyone to be involved in stepping up to each challenge.  If you are a church representative and you have not yet secured a service, please do so as soon as possible.  So far this year we have had 21 services and have received $10,301.00 in contributions, and while we are where we should be for the year, we must stay on track and focused on our church partnership. 
     February 14 will be our New Member Dinner, and we need contacts.  Please continue to cast your net toward Gideon prospects.  Our goal this year is to grow by a net one Gideon and Auxiliary…we can only do that if we collectively and regularly reach out to member prospects. 

     I encourage each of us to pay our dues and to keep our membership active.  Each member’s dues has a dramatic impact on the effectiveness of our camp as we reach our through Bible distributions to lead the lost to Christ. 
     I hope to see each of you at our monthly Camp meeting.  Our meetings are always times of wonderful fellowship and sharing, and the information gained at our meetings helps each of us to stay focused on our ministry mission and to be better prepared when we are called to witness.  Thank you for being a Gideon.  Gene

Greetings Auxiliary Sisters,

      Ladies, God is good.  Have you enjoyed this wonderful cool fall weather?  Do you have a great family?  Is your health ok?  If the answer is yes to any of these questions then thank God for ALL your many blessings.  Everything we have we owe to our Lord and Savior.
     Our Gideon President, Gene Nelson, touched base on our training session this month.  Let’s get together and hear the moving testimonies.
     Looking forward to seeing each of you this Thursday.
     Thanks to each of you for all that you do in this ministry, in the church and in the community.
“Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”
 Psalm 95:2
God Bless You and Your Families,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Message from the President

Last evening we enjoyed a great time of fellowship with our camp members, special guests, and pastors and their wives at our annual PAB at Ozark Baptist Church.  The food was wonderful and as usual, there was plenty of it.  Our program of special music by Dr. Frank Jacobs and Cheryl Brown, auxiliary report by Mrs Faile, a touching testimony by fellow Gideon Edsel Bonds, and a banquet message by John Faile led up to the Faith Fund donation as the evening closed.  Our camp had set a Faith Fund goal of $3000.00, and our current Faith Fund total stands at $2880.00...just $120.00 from our goal.  I encourage you to make your Faith Fund contribution today to our treasurer at PO Box 291 Ozark 36361.  I hope to send out another email soon with the news that we reached our goal.  We need to also give a special thanks to our camp VP Art Warren, auxiliary president Lynn Price, and all the camp members that were involved over the past few months in getting and keeping the PAB on track. 
Tomorrow, Wednesday 10 October, we have a distribution opportunity serving with the Pike County Gideon Camp and their distribution at Troy University.  Several of us are meeting at the Quality Inn parking lot at 5:45 AM.  We will go from there to Troy University for a breakfast and a meeting before beginning the distribution.  This has always been a special opportunity to share God’s word with the young people at the university.  I hope to see you at the Quality Inn at 5:45 or the Baptist Center at Troy University at 6:30. 
Our next meeting will be November 8 at the Quality Inn...see you there.
Thank you for being a Gideon.   Gene

Saturday, September 15, 2012

September Camp Meeting

Last evening at the Quality Inn we enjoyed another evening of warm fellowship and spiritual renewal.  We had several members there who have been unable to attend for the past few was great to see them...we hope to see you at the PAB if you weren’t there last night.  Please remember that our October meeting will be the PAB and will be held at Ozark Baptist Church at 6:30 PM on October 8.  Our Vice President has been working steadily to make this a special event for both our guests and our camp members.   At last evening’s meeting we enjoyed a very informative program on the Metro Blitz.  The program discussed the history of the Metro Blitz (starting in 1984) and testimonies from blitz participants encouraged each of us to seek out a blitz in our area of the country and to step up to a distribution.  As blitz participants spoke of the friends they made while getting ready for and actually doing the blitz, I was reminded of the new and special relationships that always await me at our monthly meetings, faith fund rallies, speaking opportunities, PAB and membership dinners, conventions, and every other activity where Gideons, Auxiliary, and fellow Christians meet and share. 
The big event in our camp’s near future is the PAB next month.  Please give Art Warren, our camp VP, a call at 706-201-1512 or email him to let him know you will be there so he can get a close count on the meals.  If you could let him know by 1 October, I know he would appreciate it.  Additionally, we have set a Faith Fund Goal of $3000.00 for the banquet.  John 9:4 says “I must work the work of him that sent me, while it is day:  the night cometh, when no man can work”.  If you can’t be there, please make your Faith Fund and Camp contributions directly to our treasurer at P. O. Box 291 Ozark AL 36361.  The cost of the meal for the PAB will be around $17.00 per person.  The amount paid by our members over that amount will go to offset the cost of the meals for our pastors and other program guests.  The PAB is one of our biggest events for the year and often serves to cement those special relationships we have come to enjoy with our local churches.  Please set this date aside for your special attention. 
Some other events to look forward to this year include a local speaker qualification for our local area hosted by our camp at the Quality Inn tomorrow morning following our regular prayer time. 
October 21 will be our Camp Rally Day with a Consecration Breakfast at the Quality Inn at 8 AM.  If you are not a church speaker, we desperately need prayer partners for each of our services.  We hope to see you there on the 21st.
This year we host the Tri Camp Christmas Meeting (this will also be our regular monthly Camp Meeting).  It will be at 6:30 PM on the 13th of December.  The actual location has yet to be determined, however it will be in Ozark, and I will let you know as soon as a decision is made.
Please guide potential Gideon members to our camp.  Our ministry is constantly expanding (International Regions just went from seven to eleven, and we are now in 195 countries).  Our membership goal for this year is one “net” new member.  We all need to pay our dues, even if we can’t be as active as we’d like, and actively seek out new members.
Please be in prayer for all Gideon activities, and on behalf of the millions of people each your who would have never known of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Message from the President

Sorry for the delay this month.  Our regular camp meeting at the Quality Inn was held last Thursday at 6:30 PM, and we had a great meeting.  It was one of two meetings this year when the Auxiliary meets separate from the Gideons and talks about issues specific to them.  We had a room full of members, we had our usual wonderful fellowship before the meal, two inspiring testimonies, and a timely program about church relations.  If you were there, I know you were blessed (several said it was the best program we have had in a while), if you were unable to attend, you were missed, and we look forward to seeing you next month (Sept 13...mark your calendar).  The program brought out several aspects of the Gideon/church relationship...from the pastor’s point of view.  The bottom line of the program was that we should continue to be diligent in our efforts to establish good, deep, and permanent relationships with all our churches.  Such activities as attending evening and mid-week services, being in prayer for the pastors, speaking at church activities other that the traditional service, and being an inspirational voice in church outreach were just a few of the points brought out in the program.  We were each challenged to go out over the next month and actually apply what we learned as we interact with our pastors.
There are several new distribution approaches that came out of the recent International Convention in Dallas.  One involves the Auxiliary and is available at “The Connection”.  The other one is an innovative approach to the introduction and distribution of scriptures to children in schools.  Unfortunately, the Word of God is seen as something controversial in many schools, and we are blocked in our distribution efforts.  However, a new program that allows for the passing out of part of the New Testament by students themselves has met with great success and will be introduced in our area.  Please be in prayer about both of these programs as we use them to further our mission of spreading God’s Word through scripture distribution. 
One last item...and something that we can all be proud of.  Following the International Convention, I was contacted by our International office about what we are doing to be so consistently successful in our church relations.  Our camp was identified as one of the camps with a consistent strength in this area, and I was questioned about how we do such a good job.  I stressed how we are in prayer for our pastors and our churches and how we let the pastors know about our prayers for them.  I also related how we as a camp are all active and positive about the relationship we enjoy with our churches.  We regularly go that extra length to let the church know that we partner with them in their outreach missions, and that we are not just a group that shows up once a year to get a donation.  I thought you would like to know about that and to encourage each of us to keep strong in our church ministry. 
Our PAB is on track and scheduled for Oct 8 at Ozark Baptist.  Thank you for all that you do...and thank you for being a Gideon and Auxiliary.  Gene

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Message from your new President

For those of you who may not know, I am Gene Nelson, and have recently been elected as the Dale County Gideon Camp president.  I am proud and humbled to represent each of you and our camp as we go about our special business of distributing scriptures and leading lost souls to Christ through those distributions.  I hope to stay in contact with each of you regularly, share current camp news, and encourage you to stay as active as you can in our Gideon Ministry. 
I have recently updated our camp calendar (on the Connection) through June of next year.  Some special events placed on the calendar include the upcoming Faith Fund Rally (I’ll mention that a little more later), the annual Pastors Appreciation Dinner on 8 Oct, the Tri Camp Christmas Gathering on 13 Dec, Our Annual Membership Dinner on 14 Feb 2013, and of course our regular monthly meetings at the Quality Inn Ozark the second Thursday of each month.  Additionally, we continue to have our weekly prayer time at the Quality Inn Ozark at 7 AM every Saturday morning.  If you haven’t been to a regular monthly meeting in a while, be assured that you are missed.  We continue to have great fellowship with the Gideons and Auxiliary, a wonderful meal, and special training that not only helps us in the ministry, but enriches each of us in our daily lives.  Our next monthly meeting is on Thursday 12 July.  Please come and bring along a friend who might be interested in joining our camp.
Our next big event is scheduled for 14 July...just around the corner.  This event is our Faith Fund Rally and will be held at 8 AM at the Family Life Center of First United Methodist Church right here in Ozark.  An international Gideon speaker will share a message with us, and we will have the opportunity to give to our Faith Fund.  Please remember that just $5 buys a hotel bible that will touch approximately 2600 lives in its expected six year time of service, and $1.35 will buy a New Testament Scripture that will touch the life of someone at just the right moment.  Please set that date and time aside to be with us that morning (the cost is $10 at the door and includes a full, catered breakfast).  If you just can’t be there, please contribute to the Faith Fund Goal by sending your contributions to our camp at:  (Please make donations payable to Gideons International)
    Dale County Gideons
    P. O. Box 291
    Ozark, AL 36361
One last item before I close this email.  By our membership in the Gideon Ministry, each of us has done something more than just intend to follow our savior, Jesus Christ, we are actively doing that.  Sometimes life’s events can overwhelm even our best intentions, and we lose sight of what is eternally important.  My prayer is that every member of our camp will stay active in the work of the Gideons, and continue to further the accomplishment of our special mission...the distribution of scriptures throughout the world.  For those who are able to come to the meetings on Saturday morning and the second Thursday of each month, I look forward to seeing you.  For those who are not able to attend, please continue your valuable support through your prayers, continued membership, and your donations to our Faith Fund and other camp events.
Please contact me by email, text, or phone (334-379-5250) if I can assist you about our camp and activities.
In His service,
Gene Nelson
Dale County Gideons

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May meeting

Please attend our most important meeting in May on the 10th. New officers will take the helm and a new year will begin. What a great time to renew this part of your life and dedicate it to God. See you all there !!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Gideon State Convention

Click on the link below to open the registration form for the Gideon State Convention in Dothan, Alabama. You can then print it and send it in to Gene Nelson.

State Convention Registration


2010 State Convention Schedule 

Monday, March 26, 2012

In Memory

Carl Hefner, Gideon member of the 
Dale County Camp went to be
with our Lord Saturday, 24 March 2012.
 Funeral services for Brother
Hefner will be 2:00 PM, Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church 
(Dale Co Rd 15) with 
Holman Funeral Home directing. 
will be at the church from 12:30 PM 
until service time.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Press

Click Here to read an article published in, written by Chris Rodell.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Membership Dinner

Thursday, February 9th the Dale County Camp of the Gideons International held its annual membership dinner. Many guests were invited and many came to learn more about what is involved in becoming a Gideon or Auxiliary member.
All were blessed by the program given by Cheryl and Bob Bonderson of Panama City, Florida on the delights and gifts one receives by becoming a Gideon or an Auxiliary member.
MARCH 8, 2012. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Prayer List

Please send in your prayer concerns so that we might ask others to add them to their list too. We all know that having many prayers lifted up to God makes a difference.
Send any requests to:
subject line: Gideon prayer request

Sunday, January 22, 2012

February Meeting

Our Annual Membership Meeting 
will be held on
Thursday evening, February 9, 2012
at the Quality Inn in Ozark
Please plan to attend this important event

Friday, January 13, 2012


If this is your first visit to the Dale County Gideon Camp's blogspot, welcome. Take a look around. The pages to the right are for you to find out more about us. This is all new so if something is missing and you know the information, please let us know so that we can correct it. We will try to keep you all up to date with upcoming events for our Camp and more. The more you tell us, the more we can tell the others. Don't be shy.
Contact Jan Lisenby at or 774-6998 if you have a particular request. You can also contact Don McCall @ or 774-7170 for the same purpose.
We look forward to hearing from each of you with your ideas for this blog.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January Meeting

The Dale County Gideons will meet at it's regular time on
January 12, 2012 at the Quality Inn at 6:30 p.m.
Please plan to attend, you will be blessed!