Last evening at the Quality Inn we enjoyed another evening of warm fellowship and spiritual renewal.  We had several members there who have been unable to attend for the past few was great to see them...we hope to see you at the PAB if you weren’t there last night.  Please remember that our October meeting will be the PAB and will be held at Ozark Baptist Church at 6:30 PM on October 8.  Our Vice President has been working steadily to make this a special event for both our guests and our camp members.   At last evening’s meeting we enjoyed a very informative program on the Metro Blitz.  The program discussed the history of the Metro Blitz (starting in 1984) and testimonies from blitz participants encouraged each of us to seek out a blitz in our area of the country and to step up to a distribution.  As blitz participants spoke of the friends they made while getting ready for and actually doing the blitz, I was reminded of the new and special relationships that always await me at our monthly meetings, faith fund rallies, speaking opportunities, PAB and membership dinners, conventions, and every other activity where Gideons, Auxiliary, and fellow Christians meet and share. 
The big event in our camp’s near future is the PAB next month.  Please give Art Warren, our camp VP, a call at 706-201-1512 or email him to let him know you will be there so he can get a close count on the meals.  If you could let him know by 1 October, I know he would appreciate it.  Additionally, we have set a Faith Fund Goal of $3000.00 for the banquet.  John 9:4 says “I must work the work of him that sent me, while it is day:  the night cometh, when no man can work”.  If you can’t be there, please make your Faith Fund and Camp contributions directly to our treasurer at P. O. Box 291 Ozark AL 36361.  The cost of the meal for the PAB will be around $17.00 per person.  The amount paid by our members over that amount will go to offset the cost of the meals for our pastors and other program guests.  The PAB is one of our biggest events for the year and often serves to cement those special relationships we have come to enjoy with our local churches.  Please set this date aside for your special attention. 
Some other events to look forward to this year include a local speaker qualification for our local area hosted by our camp at the Quality Inn tomorrow morning following our regular prayer time. 
October 21 will be our Camp Rally Day with a Consecration Breakfast at the Quality Inn at 8 AM.  If you are not a church speaker, we desperately need prayer partners for each of our services.  We hope to see you there on the 21st.
This year we host the Tri Camp Christmas Meeting (this will also be our regular monthly Camp Meeting).  It will be at 6:30 PM on the 13th of December.  The actual location has yet to be determined, however it will be in Ozark, and I will let you know as soon as a decision is made.
Please guide potential Gideon members to our camp.  Our ministry is constantly expanding (International Regions just went from seven to eleven, and we are now in 195 countries).  Our membership goal for this year is one “net” new member.  We all need to pay our dues, even if we can’t be as active as we’d like, and actively seek out new members.
Please be in prayer for all Gideon activities, and on behalf of the millions of people each your who would have never known of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.