Greetings to all of our Dale County Gideon Camp members. I pray this letter finds each of you secure in the love of our Lord and Savior and looking forward to this month’s camp meeting at the Quality Inn on Thursday, August 8, at 6:30 p.m. This month the men and women of our camp have one of their two separate meetings scheduled for this year. Our program, “A Closed Door/An Open Heart” is intended to remind Gideons of the importance of building relationships. We are directed to build relationships with pastors and to provide insight from the point of view of the pastor. We are encouraged to believe that even if a pastor says “no” to a meeting, it doesn’t always mean he will not be open to a meeting at another time.
As we move into the month of August, we move into the third month of this Gideon year. Activities are well underway for our PAB scheduled for our Camp meeting in October at Ozark First United Methodist Church. Please be active in getting your pastor to put this event on their calendar and to make plans to attend. We also need to be working to secure church services for this year. It’s very important that we get out now and secure the services and not wait too long into the year. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting this Thursday. Being in your presence strengthens my spiritual commitment and keeps me focused on our wonderful Gideon/Auxiliary mission. Please call me if you need a ride to and from the meeting. Gene