Our next camp meeting will be this Thursday, May 14, 2015, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of Ozark Baptist Church. This month we will host our own Brother Don McCall and our Sister Margie McCall, who will be in charge of the elections and installation of officers for our camp for the coming year. As our Gideon year draws to a close, we can rejoice in the powerful outreach of our camp within the Gideon ministry and begin immediately to make plans for our new Gideon year beginning on June 1. Our year begins with the International Day of Prayer, phoning prospects for our upcoming membership dinner, and Faith Fund Rally in July. All of this will be in addition to our regular Saturday prayer time and our regular monthly camp meetings. As always, the harvest is great and the workers
are few, and we must again gird ourselves to the great Bible distribution task that
our Lord has called us to do.
As we go about the business of setting our goals for the coming year, I pray that we will repeatedly take time to recommit ourselves to our work as Gideons and Auxiliary. Let that commitment begin with regular attendance at the Saturday prayer time. Hopefully our monthly camp meetings will blossom throughout the year through our involvement in scripture distributions, being a prayer partner at church services and serving as a mentor to our new members as they join us following our membership dinner in July.
We can continue to be strong in our Gideon service through the end of this month (and this Gideon year) by submitting just one more Faith Fund donation. Our Faith Fund Chairman, Jerry Lucas, reminds us that we can always make donations to the Faith Fund at our Saturday prayer time, our monthly camp meetings, or by sending a check to our treasurer at: Dale County Gideons, P. O. Box 291, Ozark, AL, 36361. Include your name and GIdeon/Auxiliary membership number, and make the check payable to Gideons International.
Thank you for all you have done this past year, and thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.