Convention and Hundred Day Count Down
We are rapidly approaching our State Convention on March 11, 2016 which will
also culminate with our Faith Fund contribution for the 100 day count down. Let us all give generously, knowing that our
contributions will help to purchase Bibles to be distributed throughout the
World. Remember $125.00 will purchase a
box of scriptures that will impact many lives as God promises in Isaiah 55:11.
We ask that if you are unable to attend the State Convention that you
still participate by sending your Faith Fund contribution. You can send your Faith Fund contribution to
the following address:
Dale County Gideons
PO Box 291
Ozark, AL
Other ways to contribute is to bring your contributions to our next Gideon
Camp meeting on March 3, 2016 at Ozark Baptist Church, or you may also contribute on our Gideon Website, “The Connection.”
If you plan to mail a check try to have it turned in by March 5th so that we can
have an accurate count before the Convention.
May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.
Brother Jerry L. Lucas
Dale County Gideons Faith Fund Chairman