Saturday, February 3, 2018

Want to become a Speaker?

Are you ready to speak up at your camp? The ELEVENTH Annual Speaker Qualification Day is February 10, 2018. If this is your first time to qualify to speak in churches or if you need to re-qualify, you have an opportunity to do that on February 10th at Daleville Baptist Church at 9 a.m. Come on February 10th if you need to Re-qualify (if you qualified or last re-qualified before 5/31/14). Church Ministry Chairs are welcome to come February 10th and observe new and returning (re-qualifying) speakers. Please return the form on The Connection and direct any questions to Bill Filmore, SERPLCM , 119 Comanche St., Daleville, AL 36322, 334-797-9427 cell, e-mail: Information and map to Daleville Baptist Church: