Friday, May 10, 2013

Camp Elections

Last evening we had our monthly Camp meeting, and as we do every year, we elected and installed the officers who will oversee the various parts of our Gideon ministry.  The current Camp officers are as follows:
President - Gene Nelson, VP - Art Warren, - Secretary - Don Turner, Treasurer - Gary Walker, Chaplain - Sonny Railey, Church Ministry - Steve Price, Bible Card - Frank Phillips, Faith Fund - Jerry Lucas, Scripture Distribution - Ed Woodham, Membership - Emmett Bolton, Camp Webmaster - James Lisenby. 
The newly elected Auxiliary officers are as follows:
 President - Lynn Price, VP - Martha Phillips, Sec/Tresurer - Gail Barkett, Chaplain - Margie McCall, Scripture Coordinator - Elaine Woodham and Bible Card Liaison - Gail Barkett/Margie McCall.  Our Area Coordinator, Fred Hollon, conducted the elections and installations.  I know I speak for all the members of our camp when I say "thank you" to the members of our camp who were able and willing to take on the responsibilities of their various offices.  In addition to our elections, the 30 Gideons and Auxiliary members present enjoyed a great meal prepared by Fannie's of Ozark, warm Christian fellowship and several prayer opportunities.  If you are interested in assisting in any of these Camp areas, please contact the person elected or appointed to that position and let them know you are wanting to help. We have a Camp of "doers" because of your personal dedication to this ministry.

Up-coming events include our regular Saturday morning prayer time (7 to 7:30 a.m. at the Quality Inn) Auxiliary prayer time at the same location (1 June at 9 a.m.) The International Day of Prayer is scheduled for 8 June in Daleville. Some scripture distributions are being organized by Ed Woodham and assisted by Larry Baker and our next Camp meeting is on 13 June.  Cabinet members, please remember that our next meeting will be on Saturday 1 June due to the International Day of Prayer scheduled for 8 June.  In the meantime, please continue inviting your Pastor to our Pastor Appreciation Banquet on 10 October 2013, 6:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church Family Life Center.  We will send out our usual invitations in August and make follow-up phone calls, but if you could get your Pastor to put this event on his or her calendar now, it would be most helpful.

As always, I am personally thankful for the work that each of you do as part of our Camp.  Your very membership as a Gideon/Auxiliary member speaks spiritual volumes to those around you.  Thank you for all that you do every day for our Lord. Thank you for being a Gideon

Monday, May 6, 2013

May Letter

This Month’s Camp Meeting will be this Thursday, May 9th, at 6:30 PM, at the Quality Inn in Ozark.

To All Our Camp Members,
Greetings Auxiliary Sisters,

The Dale County Gideon Camp will enjoy its monthly fellowship at the Quality Inn Ozark Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 PM.  This month marks the close of this Gideon year, and will be focused on our Camp elections.  Our Camp elections are more than just filling officer positions with appropriate leaders.  They should be a powerful time of reflection and planning.  Through elections, our camp acknowledges and embraces the possibilities…and commitments…of another year dedicated to reaching men, women, boys, and girls for Christ, through prayer, personal witnessing, and the distribution of God’s Word.  Personally, elections are a time when I actively reflect on all those who have gone before us.  Those members who stepped up and formed this Camp into a reality…those members who through the years remained steadfast in their Gideon mission…those members who remained active through their dues, and who often through the living of their quiet and Christian lives offer the best example for those seeking our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I pray that each member of our Camp will continue the great legacy set in place for us in our walk as Gideons and Auxiliary, and throughout this coming year we will be collectively dedicated to leading the lost to an eternal life with Christ through the distribution of his Word.  Please call if you need assistance getting to and from the meeting.  I hope to see you Thursday.  Thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.    Gene


Ladies, It has been a great year for our Camp, our State Gideon Ministry and each of us by being a part of this ministry.  As Gene mentioned, this is our last month for the 2012-2013 year.  Let’s pray for our members we have lost, our husbands, Gideons and Auxiliary who have committed their lives to help win the lost to our Lord and Savior.

Gene and I look forward to seeing each of you this Thursday evening for fellowship, great food and our installation of officers for our upcoming year 2013-2014.

“All things work together for good to them that love God.”  Romans 8:28
