Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From the desk of the President

 Many wonderful things are happening in the service of our Risen Lord and Savior because of you.  Our ministry continues to expand with the addition of country 196 and with continued increases in virtually every aspect of our Gideon ministry.  Last Saturday, the 20th of July, was an uplifting example of the dedication of our members.  As you know, our area Faith Fund Rally was held at the Daleville Convention Center at 8 a.m. and hosted by the Wiregrass Camp.  Our speaker was from Kenya, and his presentation was moving and heart-warming.  He will be in our country for two weeks and is currently attending the International Gideon Convention in Orlando, Florida.  Our Faith Fund Goal for Area S4 was set at $10,000.  Area S4 consists of 8 camps.  Of the camps present at the rally, $11,700 was donated for the purchase of scriptures. Praise the Lord!  This was especially meaningful to our speaker from Kenya, who depends greatly on the contributions for scriptures that allow the camps in his country to distribute literally millions of Bibles and scriptures to the lost.  It’s not too late to contribute to our camp Faith Fund goal of $3000.00.  Just send your contribution to our treasurer, Gary Walker at:  P.O. Box 291 Ozark, AL 36361.  On behalf of all those whose lives will be eternally touched by your dedication as a Gideon/Auxiliary, thank you.

One last thing in this email.  Please continue to be in prayer for the International Convention.  The convention started today.  Currently, over 4000 Gideons/Auxiliary have registered and over 90 countries are represented.  The special thing about this convention for all of us who are unable to attend is that we get to listen in.  There will be 12 live broadcasts from the convention starting this evening, 7:05 Eastern time and the last one on Saturday evening at 7 p.m. EST.  What a great opportunity to be a part of the convention and to hear some of the best speakers around.  The speakers at the conventions that I have attended have always inspired me in my service to our Lord, and I was always better for having heard their message.  A complete listing of the times is on the Connection.  If you have any trouble accessing the times and need some one-on-one assistance to get connected, please contact me. 

Our next Cabinet meeting is August 3, and our next Camp meeting is Thursday August 8, please mark your calendars now.  For our Auxiliary members, please remember that your monthly prayer time will be at 9 a.m. August 3.  God bless each of you, and thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.