Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April Camp Letter


April 2015 Camp Letter

This meeting marks the last of our educational and informational programs for this Gideon year (1 June-31 May each year) and serves to point us in the direction of the realization of the goals of "Vision 2020".  This month's program will reinforce the key messages shared over the past four video-based educational sessions.  This concluding video focuses on the need to Live By Faith, Invest Our Talents, Be A Servant, and Give Our Best...All To Reach The Lost For Christ.  In this final educational program for the 2014-15 GIdeon year, we are reminded of our four goals to be fulfilled as we quickly move toward the challenge of Vision 2020:
            1.  Distributing 120 million scriptures annually (Living By Faith)
            2.  Involving 100% of our members in the ministry (Investing Our Talents)
            3.  Developing intentional relationships with all churches (Being A Servant)
            4.  Fostering a "culture of excellence" in all we do (Giving my best)
Ultimately, we try to accomplish a single goal:  Reaching The Lost for Christ.
How we go about accomplishing these important goals is what our Camp needs to be about.  We need to  continue to be faithful in our membership, give generously to the Faith Fund, actively support the Gideon Bible Card program, seek out and participate in scripture and Bible distributions, be determined in securing Gideon church services, and maintaining a strong, active Auxiliary.  We are blessed with caring and Christ-centered members in our camp.  This year our camp did not lose one member due to non-renewal of dues, we have gained 13 new members in our camp, and we have completed a Camp Development Plan that has helped to keep us collectively focused on our singular mission of scripture distribution to the lost for Christ.

Please be reminded that our camp meeting this month will be this Thursday, April 9, at 6:30 PM, in the Fellowship Hall of Ozark Baptist Church.  If you have been unable to attend in the past, this would be a great meeting to get started back.  If you need transportation to and from the meeting, please call me or a Gideon or Auxiliary friend for a ride.  As a camp member you make an eternal difference in getting God's Word to the lost.  God bless you in your mission of outreach, and thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.  Gene and Lynn