Tuesday, June 28, 2016

From Lynn and Wayne Turner

Brother Don,
Need to pray for the Lord to seal up my left lung, no problem for Him!!

From Lynn Turner
Thank you so much for your continued prayers.  We need wisdom for the doctors and strength for us.  They have to make decision soon about surgery.  We do not want surgery if there's any other way.  
Wayne and I love and miss all of our Gideon family. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Update on Wayne Turner

Subject: Update on Wayne Turner 
From Wayne

Now been in hospital for eight days. Feeling better. Coughing quit. Today they put drain in left lung and drained over 280 cc's fluid, leaving drain to continue. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Larry Clark's Mother

Larry's Mother woke up on her own Saturday for the first time.  Now the Drs can start treating her for blood clots in the lungs and checking the heart for damage.  They tried to lessen the respirator but she didn't take that to well, she's not strong enough yet. So please continue to keep her in your prayers.  Thanks so much for thinking of us!!!

Love, Larry & Jewnita 

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. - Romans 12:12

Ed Woodham's Mother

Ed Woodham's mother, Dorothy Monk, visitation is today at 12:30 at Ozark's Holman Funeral Home.  The funeral will be at 2:00. 
Serving Our Lord,

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Update on Larry Clark's Mother

Hi Lynn,

Thank you so much for your prayers.  

Update:  They moved Larry's Mom to Flower's hospital on yesterday.  Test will be run on her heart, checking for blockage and damage.  Taking one day at a time and trusting God.  Much prayer is needed.  
Love, Jewnita & Larry

Serving Our Lord,

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Concerning Wayne Turner

From Wayne Turner 

 I went to the Doctor today and He didn't want to send me home, so I am in Flowers hospital hopefully for some aggressive treatment😉 keep us in your prayers!!

Don Graves
Gideon State Chaplain

Prayers for Larry Clark's Mother

Mrs. Myrtis Anderson needs your prayers. She is in ICU at DMC due to clots in her lungs following surgery. Please keep her held up for continued healing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Note concerning Wayne Turner

From Lynn Turner- S4 AD

Don, thank you so much for keeping us lifted in prayer.  It really works.  Wayne Just needs to be able to quit coughing so hard and long. Can't breath when coughing so hard.  Have seen small strides in improving for him though. Getting his appetite back little bit at time. We finally got appt at UAB on 17th. Pray for wisdom for doctors and strength for us to do what is required.  He's still in control. 
Thanks to all!

Don Graves
Gideon State Chaplain