Wednesday, December 28, 2016

letter from Bill Filmore

Angelia had total hip replacement this morning. All went well. She is resting now. We are in Room 529 at Flowers in Dothan. Will be here until Thursday. She will rehab at home.

Bill Filmore
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December Gideon Newsletter

The AL-NW Florida Gideon Newsletter has an interesting article about one of our own.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sonny Raley

Please keep Mrs. Beverly Raley and family in your prayers.  Mr. Sonny Raley passed away this morning.   They have been members of the Dale County Camps for years and Sonny has served faithfully in several positions in the camp.  He will be missed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A prayer for today

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Please give us a president who is essentially good - who loves this country and everything it stands for. 
Please give us a president who respects You as the one true God. 
Please give us a president who will not try to destroy our churches. 
Please help us to respect what You have given to us and not take anything for granted ... ever again. 
Please God, weaken the evil and strengthen the good, both within and without.  May our eyes be opened.

In Jesus’ name, 

Friday, October 14, 2016

PAB 2016

Greetings Team, 
  Let me again thank you for your commitment to making our 42nd Annual PAB a great success. We had good attendance; 41 of the 44 Gideons and Auxiliary committing to attend came (93%), 40 of the 56 Pastors and Guests committing to attend came (71%) for a total attendance of 81 of the 100 committing. The overall % of attendance = 81.
  There was a wonderful spirit felt throughout the Banquet of which the group singing had a great influence in. Our speakers challenged, inspired, educated and emphasized to the pastors how important they are to the Gideon ministry. I felt each Gideon and Auxiliary was inspired and uplifted through this event. Angie Childers blessed all of us with her playing and singing.
  Camp members were generous in their support and all our expenses were met. Their generosity went even further as the Camp Faith Fund goal of $2800.00 was exceeded with an offering total of $4019.00.
  Thank you Auxiliary for a beautifully decorated banquet room and for the info gleaned at the sign-in tables allowing accuracy in the attendance totals.
God blessed your efforts and I feel He was lifted up and glorified through this event. May He continue to richly bless you as you serve Him through the Gideon Ministry.

 Serving Him with you, Don McCall, Dale Co camp VP

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sad news

It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Carolyn Nelson, Gene's wife, has  left us.  It is with joy for me to say she is with our Heavenly Father. 
Please share this info with  those I might have missed in this email.
When I have more details I will let you know.  If you find the details  out before me.  Please share.
Lynn Price

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Save the Date

Please remember our Pastors.
Thursday, October 13th at the 
Ozark Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Don McCall's Mother

Susie Stephens McCall
Don's mom passed away at 3:30 this morning. Funeral Tuesday at Salem Baptist 10 visitation 11:00 service time
Please keep them in your prayers.
Lynn Price

From the State Gidieon Chaplain

Prayer Warriors
Prayer is requested for the family of our 
Gideon State Vice President Don McCall.
Don's mother Frances McCall age 98 has been placed in hospice care.
Praying for Gods Will to be Done and for strength for Don and Margie during this time.
“The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26 KJV
Aaron's God Directed Priestly Blessing 

Don Graves
Gideon State Chaplain

Monday, July 11, 2016

Don McCall's Mother update

Don's Mother is back at Nursing home. Still a very sick lady. Thank each of you for your prayers. And ask that you continue to remember her . Her name is France Mc Call
Serving HIM with you, Margie McCall 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Don Mc Call's Mother

Please keep Don McCall's mother in your prayers.  She is at Flowers today , Friday.

Serving Christ,
Lynn Price
Aux Chaplain

Friday, July 8, 2016

From Jewnita Clark

Note from Jewnita Clark concerning Larry's mother. 

Praise report:  Larry's Mom is off the ventilator, sitting up in a chair and talking now.  What a miracle!!!  Nothing too hard for God.  Thanks for all the prayers.  Have a blessed day!!! 
Jewnita & Larry 

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. - Romans 12:12

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Glenn Pate funeral

Dale County Camp Gideons and Deacons from the Ozark Baptist Church have been requested by the family to serve as honorary Pall Bearers during Glenn's funeral on Wednesday. An area on the right side of the Church will have designations.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Glenn Pate's funeral

Glenn Pate's funeral will be at the Ozark Baptist Church on Wednesday at 10 a.m.
Visitation for Glenn will also be held at the Baptist Church on Tuesday from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

From Lynn Price

Please keep Bobby Sue Pate and her family in your prays.  Her husband, Glenn, has gone home to be with our Lord.  No other information is known at this time.
Serving Christ,
Lynn Price
Aux Chaplain
Lynn Price

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Glen Pate

Our loving thoughts and prayers go to the family of Glen Pate who has gone to be with our lord in Heaven. Glen was a faithful Gideon for many years and will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

From Wayne Turner

From Wayne Turner

Brother Don,
Lynn and I got to come home after 18 days in the hospital. Still got a drain tube in left lung. Thanks for your prayers!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

From Lynn and Wayne Turner

Brother Don,
Need to pray for the Lord to seal up my left lung, no problem for Him!!

From Lynn Turner
Thank you so much for your continued prayers.  We need wisdom for the doctors and strength for us.  They have to make decision soon about surgery.  We do not want surgery if there's any other way.  
Wayne and I love and miss all of our Gideon family. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Update on Wayne Turner

Subject: Update on Wayne Turner 
From Wayne

Now been in hospital for eight days. Feeling better. Coughing quit. Today they put drain in left lung and drained over 280 cc's fluid, leaving drain to continue. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Larry Clark's Mother

Larry's Mother woke up on her own Saturday for the first time.  Now the Drs can start treating her for blood clots in the lungs and checking the heart for damage.  They tried to lessen the respirator but she didn't take that to well, she's not strong enough yet. So please continue to keep her in your prayers.  Thanks so much for thinking of us!!!

Love, Larry & Jewnita 

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. - Romans 12:12

Ed Woodham's Mother

Ed Woodham's mother, Dorothy Monk, visitation is today at 12:30 at Ozark's Holman Funeral Home.  The funeral will be at 2:00. 
Serving Our Lord,

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Update on Larry Clark's Mother

Hi Lynn,

Thank you so much for your prayers.  

Update:  They moved Larry's Mom to Flower's hospital on yesterday.  Test will be run on her heart, checking for blockage and damage.  Taking one day at a time and trusting God.  Much prayer is needed.  
Love, Jewnita & Larry

Serving Our Lord,

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Concerning Wayne Turner

From Wayne Turner 

 I went to the Doctor today and He didn't want to send me home, so I am in Flowers hospital hopefully for some aggressive treatment😉 keep us in your prayers!!

Don Graves
Gideon State Chaplain

Prayers for Larry Clark's Mother

Mrs. Myrtis Anderson needs your prayers. She is in ICU at DMC due to clots in her lungs following surgery. Please keep her held up for continued healing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Note concerning Wayne Turner

From Lynn Turner- S4 AD

Don, thank you so much for keeping us lifted in prayer.  It really works.  Wayne Just needs to be able to quit coughing so hard and long. Can't breath when coughing so hard.  Have seen small strides in improving for him though. Getting his appetite back little bit at time. We finally got appt at UAB on 17th. Pray for wisdom for doctors and strength for us to do what is required.  He's still in control. 
Thanks to all!

Don Graves
Gideon State Chaplain

Friday, April 29, 2016

Steve Price report

This past Saturday, April 23, Steve went in the hospital because he started having seizures.  He stayed for 5 days and came home yesterday still very weak but so much better than he was.  I can see the healing hands of Christ working to heal him, but he continues to need your prayers to build his strength back and make sure his meds are right to prevent any more seizures.  
I praise God for his healing Steve and ask each of you for continued prayers so Steve will be totally  back to hisself shortly.

Sisters in Christ,
Lynn Price
AL NW FL Auxiliary Scripture Distribution Coordinator

Wayne Turner report

“Prayers answered!! Thank you!  No cancer cells found.  Evidence of rheumatoid lung disease.  Much more testing of specimens to be done.  But we’re rejoicing for now.  He’s still in recovery.  Will have drainage tube for couple of days.  Be in hospital for 3-4 days.  Love y’all!  Please let prayer warriors know.  Lynn”

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Prayers needed

Wayne Turner is supposed to have biopsy surgery tomorrow (assume Thursday) around 7:00AM to take a sample of his lung tissue to get a further handle on what was the source of the pain that he is still endures. He is giving thanks that no cancer has been  found thus far but the search for just what is causing the pain continues by his doctors. He is very appreciative for all the prayers that have been offered on his and Lynn’s behalf. He ask that we continue to pray.

Also please pray for Steve Price.  He had some seizures so he spent 5 days in the hospital .  He is better and home tonight, but he still needs prayers.  I can see the Lords work in healing him already but it is still going to take sometime to get meds worked out and get his strength back.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

News from Wayne Turner

Great praise report.
See below.
God is Good.


Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. - Romans 12:12

From: Lynn Turner
To: Don Graves
Subject: Wayne Turner - Praise report
Doctor said no obvious cancer cells,  but possibility not off table yet. Wants to definitively identify problem. Will have  bronchosopy in morning.  Thanks for all thoughts and prayers.  We serve a great God! Prayers answered. Please let all our prayer warriors know, and keep praying.
In His name,

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

If you haven't heard, Emmett's sister, Earlene Bolton D.... (not sure of her married name) went to be with our Lord last week.  Her service was held either Friday or Saturday.  Please keep Emmett and Pat and the rest of the family in your prayers.
Sorry for the late notice.
Lynn Price

PO. Box 358, Ozark, AL 36361
119 Deerpath Street, Ozark, AL 36360

Friday, April 8, 2016

prayers needed

Prayer Warriors -
Please pray for our brother Wayne Turner. Wayne will be admitted to the hospital Monday, April 11th, for a biopsy on his lungs to determine the cause of the intense pain he has been suffering.

Please keep Wayne & Lynn Turner in Your prayers.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

New information

This is just a notice to let you all know that Margaret Edgar is now residing in Oakview Manor.  Love and prayers to Jerry and his wife Margaret.

Margaret Edgar is now at Oakview Manor Nursing Home on Mixon and Jerry is at home.  He just had a birthday this past THURSDAY.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Thank you,

Friday, February 26, 2016

Dean Dashner

The time on the message below is wrong. Visitation is Sunday at 4-6 

Visitation for Mr. Dashner will be Sunday 2 - 4

with his service at 10 a.m. Monday.  

Both at Sunset Funeral Home located

between Dothan and Midland City.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Auxiliary News

State Convention and Hundred Day Count Down
Greeting Auxiliary Sisters,
     As I am sure all of you are aware we are rapidly approaching our State Convention, March 11th – 13th.  While I know that everyone wants to be there, life does not always allow for all of us to attend.  While you may not be able to attend there are still ways for each of us to serve God through our convention. 
     First and most importantly through prayer, for our speakers, our state cabinet who have worked so hard in the planning and preparing for this event, for the scripture blitz on the 10th as well as for travel mercies for all that will be able to attend.
     Secondly through your gifts.  This year, as in years pass, the Auxiliary will offer their gifts to the Heart Fund at the President's Breakfast on Saturday morning, March 12, 2016.  If you are not able to attend please bring your gifts to our monthly meeting on March 3, 2016, Ozark Baptist Church, (our monthly meeting was moved up a week because of the convention, so mark your calendars), contributions may also be given through the Gideon Website, The Connection or mail them to: Dale County Gideons, P.O. 291, Ozark, AL 36361.  If mailing your gift please mail so that we may receive them by the 5th of March.
     Ladies thank you for your service to God through the Gideons.  May the Lord bless and keep you all.
In Christ,
Martha Phillips

Dale County Auxiliary President  

Important information concerning the Faith Fund

State Convention and Hundred Day Count Down
    We are rapidly approaching our State Convention on March 11, 2016 which will also culminate with our Faith Fund contribution for the 100 day count down.  Let us all give generously, knowing that our contributions will help to purchase Bibles to be distributed throughout the World.  Remember $125.00 will purchase a box of scriptures that will impact many lives as God promises in Isaiah 55:11. 
    We ask that if you are unable to attend the State Convention that you still participate by sending your Faith Fund contribution.  You can send your Faith Fund contribution to the following address: 

                                   Dale County Gideons
                                   PO Box 291
                                   Ozark, AL 36361

    Other ways to contribute is to bring your contributions to our next Gideon Camp meeting on March 3, 2016 at Ozark Baptist Church, or you may also contribute on our Gideon Website, “The Connection.”
    If you plan to mail a check try to have it turned in by March 5th so that we can have an accurate count before the Convention.  May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you.

                                                 Brother Jerry L. Lucas

                                                 Dale County Gideons Faith Fund Chairman            

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Prayers needed

Pastor Ray Foreman, father of Angelia Filmore, has had another stroke. His ability to speak has been taken and he remains in Birmingham.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

update on Sydney Grey

Have heard that Sydney is home but no other news about her condition. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Prayers needed

  Sydney Grey, 13 year old granddaughter of Caroline and Gene Nelson, is in urgent need of prayer. She has serious respiratory problems and is being moved by ambulance from Montgomery to Children's Hospital in Birmingham today,(Tuesday).
Please add her to your prayer list daily plus keep her in your prayers everytime you go to God with your special prayers many times during the day.
  Also keep Caroline and Gene, along with Sydney's parents in your prayers as they go through this with Sydney.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Dennis Jinks

the Wake for Dennis Jinks, Sunday evening from 5 to 7:
Grays Funeral Home
MLK Blvd Highways 29 and 82

Friday, January 1, 2016

Sad news

 Please keep Hope and the family in your prayers.  Dennis will be missed but he is with our Heavenly Father now.

"My sweetheart passed into the arms of Jesus at 9:32 am in Birmingham's Brookwood Hospital."