Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March Camp Meeting

Our monthly camp meeting will be this Thursday, March 12, 6:30 PM 
at Ozark Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

    Greetings to all of our camp members of the Dale County Gideon Camp.  In Joshua Chapter 1 we are told to be strong and very courageous.  That was the theme of this years Gideon convention in Birmingham, and I pray that it will be our theme as we finish out this Gideon year and move into Gideon year 2016.  We have been blessed this year with church services and contributions from those services, great Faith Fund donations, an expanded Gideon Bible Card outreach, several spirited distributions, a strong Auxiliary ministry, and the blessing of thirteen new members.  Our members have renewed their faithfulness to our ministry in prayer, their participation, in our several programs, and in their financial support which allows scriptures to be purchased for world-wide distribution. 
  We still have much work to do in securing Gideon services in several of our churches and in closing out this year in such a way that we will be able to seamlessly transition to the challenges of the new Gideon year beginning on June 1.  Our program at this monthly meeting will be done by our own Don and Margie McCall.  Margie was re-elected as our State Auxiliary President and Don was elected as our South Regional Vice President.  We are blessed to have both of them in our camp as we begin this next year.  Both Margie and Don will be sharing the many high points of the convention and will challenge each of us to be very strong and courageousas we go about Gods work in this ministry. 
  There are literally millions of hands throughout the world that are reaching out to receive a copy of Gods word; unfortunately, there are currently not enough scriptures available to fill each outstretched hand.  We need to remain determined in all of our camp areas as we speed toward Vision 2020 and spread His Word through the distribution of Bibles and Scriptures to every man, woman, boy and girl, because someone prayed, someone gave, someone went, and someone placed a copy of Gods Word right where He wants it to be.  God bless you for your outreach.  Thank you for being a Gideon/Auxiliary.