Thursday, February 18, 2016

Auxiliary News

State Convention and Hundred Day Count Down
Greeting Auxiliary Sisters,
     As I am sure all of you are aware we are rapidly approaching our State Convention, March 11th – 13th.  While I know that everyone wants to be there, life does not always allow for all of us to attend.  While you may not be able to attend there are still ways for each of us to serve God through our convention. 
     First and most importantly through prayer, for our speakers, our state cabinet who have worked so hard in the planning and preparing for this event, for the scripture blitz on the 10th as well as for travel mercies for all that will be able to attend.
     Secondly through your gifts.  This year, as in years pass, the Auxiliary will offer their gifts to the Heart Fund at the President's Breakfast on Saturday morning, March 12, 2016.  If you are not able to attend please bring your gifts to our monthly meeting on March 3, 2016, Ozark Baptist Church, (our monthly meeting was moved up a week because of the convention, so mark your calendars), contributions may also be given through the Gideon Website, The Connection or mail them to: Dale County Gideons, P.O. 291, Ozark, AL 36361.  If mailing your gift please mail so that we may receive them by the 5th of March.
     Ladies thank you for your service to God through the Gideons.  May the Lord bless and keep you all.
In Christ,
Martha Phillips

Dale County Auxiliary President